MobiCarnet™ is digital transport document management tool, featuring also MobiADR™, a tool for instructing the user to safely enter dangerous shipment details into system and instructing the driver how to mark and load his vehicle when transporting dangerous goods, and MobiFootprint™, a tool for calculating CO2 emission of shipment using telemetrics data.
MobiCarnet serves the needs of cargo consignors, transport operators and consignees through a secure cloud-based digital system covering various activities within the transport logistic chain, including shipment orders, waybills and eCMRs, among others.
The system is easy to operate and secure: In Finland, the MobiCarnet application will be accessed via Telia Mobile ID and in Estonia, via a Mobile ID or ID card. The application uses data from the Register of Economic Activities, the Estonian and Finnish Business Register and it is connected to the e-billing system.
Features and benefits
The MobiCarnet Driver Application functions on a smart phone, tablet or laptop, replacing manual procedures and paperwork with digital procedures.
While enabling relevant information exchange between authorities such as Police and Tax and Customs Board, the MobiCarnet supports a smooth transport flow and reduces time for control routines. Furthermore, MobiCarnet significantly reduces the amount of time and attention the driver has to invest in handling cargo documents, and improves the safety, security and transparency of the transport.
The MobiCarnet project is implemented in close partnership with the Association of Estonian International Road Carriers (ERAA), Estonia, and SKAL Kustannus Oy, Finland. CB 293 MobiCarnet project is financed by ERDF; Central Baltic Programme. ERAA functions as the project’s lead partner.
ERAA was established on 1991 as a voluntary union of enterprises involved in road transport. ERAA has 400 member organisations and 65 candidate members. The main goal of the association is to represent its member organisations’ interests and rights. Daily ERAA deals with practical transport issues, correct documentation and stands for the transport field development.
SKAL Kustannus Oy is a company providing expert services, products and learning materials for the logistics sector and 100 % owned by Finnish Transport and Logistics SKAL. Finnish Transport and Logistics SKAL is an association representing companies who offer road haulage services and enterprises providing logistical services. SKAL has some 5 300 members with offices in Finland and in Brussels.
Both ERAA and SKAL are members of the International Road Transport Union (IRU)